Welcome Back, Loyal Fans 

“Last Snow,” the second book in the series starring Jack McClure and Alli Carson was a N,Y. Times bestseller for four weeks, and is still selling well, so thank you, all.  This time, Jack and Alli are in Moscow as the president tries to hammer out an arms agreement with the Russian president. Their journey takes them to Kiev and the Crimea, and believe me when I tell you that by the end of the novel nothing in their world will be the same.

This series, which started with First Daughter, has become something quite special. The relationship between Jack and Alli is deepening with every book, and of course Alli is growing up from being a sheltered 21-year-old into her own person. How this plays out is one theme of the series. The other, far more serious, theme is the global exploitation of women. You’ll find the beginning of this theme in Last Snow, and it will come to full flower in the third novel, which I am just finishing now, and which should be on bookstore shelves in February, 2011.

The new Jason Bourne novel (my fifth!) is signed, sealed, and delivered. The Bourne Objective will be published by Grand Central Publishing in June, 2010. It’s the third book in the trilogy featuring Leonid Arkadin, the first graduate of Treadstone, and it’s smokin’ hot, I kid you not!   May will see the publication of the paperback edition of “The Bourne Deception.”

Back on the Bourne front, I know most of you have read all the various reports regarding Bourne 4, the movie. Chances are Paul Greengrass will not be back to direct. The screenplay is still being discussed, but the people involved would like a two- or three-film arc, and have asked me to consult on both the direction of the plot and on the screenplay.  As of this writing, it appears that some elements I have suggested from my book trilogy, “Sanction,” “Deception,” and “Objective,” are finding their way into the new screenplay.  More news as it becomes available.


As you can see from the splash page, Pocket Books is reissuing the fourth, fifth, and sixth books in the Nicholas Linnear Ninja series.  This is very exciting news, especially since the people at Pocket have done such a stellar job on the covers.  These novels have been out of print for years, so the news of the reissue is fantastic for all Nicholas fans.
